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Data Collection

Anyone can create a digital form, but very few can create one in a way that is meaningful and collects data that is easy to use, understand and analyse.

Here are a few things to consider when designing or creating digital forms:

  • Plan it out - Never go straight into creating the form. Use a physical or board or even pen and paper to ensure you get even the finest detail sorted.
  • Ask yourself this question - What do I want to collect, and what’s the best way to?
  • Make aspects of the form RIGID e.g. name, date, time. This helps reduce the amount of data cleaning you will do.
  • Use checklist or multichoice feature. Limit choices 😉 and only use text if truly required.
  • Use branching (or conditional logic).
  • Use descriptions, help texts or tool tips.
  • Test. Test. Test. 

5 Lessons

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